Hydrofoils: Commercial Top
Archived Messages
“1”,”908704″,”5″,”Re; Re; Seaflight L.90 information||908704″,”The 1973-74 edition of Janes Surface Skimmers Hovercraft and Hydrofoils has a description and principal characteristics of the L.90 on pages 217-218, but no photo.”,”2005-10-06″,”Barney C Black”,”poopdeck”,” “,” “,”908701”
“2”,”908701″,”5″,”Re; Seaflight L.90 information||908701″,”According to an article “Small Italians” in the April 2001 Classic Fast Ferries Cyberzine, Seaflight completed only the prototype L.90 (in 1973). www.classicfastferries.com/cff/pdf/cff_2001_3.pdf”,”2005-10-06″,”Barney C Black”,”poopdeck”,” “,” “,”902142”
“3”,”902142″,”5″,”Seaflight L.90 information||902142″,”I would like to receive information on the Seaflight L.90 hydrofoil which was built in Messina in the ’70.
One of this type(may be the only one produced) was named SQUALO BIANCO (White Shark).
If someone, worldwide in the foilers community, has any info and/or pictures on the operational life of this beautiful hydrofoil, I will very much appreciate!
Thanks in advance”,”2005-09-27″,”Lorenzo BONASERA”,”nopswd”,” “,”lbonasera@aeronautica.alenia.it”,”5″
“4”,”888998″,”5″,”Small fast boat||888998″,”I am looking for a small fast boat that may be able to take 30 up to 50 passengers. My knowledge in boat is very low. This boat is needed to cross a fast stream river in Africa. We have a project of using this boat as a ferry boat.”,”2005-09-05″,”Okongo Justin “,”nopswd”,” “,”okongo@telus.net”,”5″
“5”,”870718″,”5″,”Re; Re; JUDICIAL SALE – VosKod-2||870718″,”Hi Gerry, IHS does not have a current email address for you. If you want to stay in contact, please send current email address to: president@foils.org. Thanks!”,”2005-08-02″,”Barney C Black”,”poopdeck”,” “,” “,”5”
“6”,”869664″,”5″,”Re; JUDICIAL SALE – VosKod-2||869664″,”Auction Date?
Technical Details?
Status reports currently available?
“,”2005-08-01″,”Gerry Levine”,”nopswd”,” “,”gerrymega@adelphia.net”,”0″
“7”,”867548″,”5″,”JUDICIAL SALE – VosKod-2||867548″,”We have ac ourt order to sell an Hydrofoil 1977 Voskod-2 passenger ship.
Its 26 Meter long. For mor info www.gestionprotec.com (28-07-2005)
located in Montreal Canada and we are told its in very good working condition
contact us now !”,”2005-07-27″,”Robert Boivin”,”nopswd”,” “,”rboivin@canada.com”,”0″
“8”,”867546″,”5″,”JUDICIAL SALE – VosKod-2||867546″,”We have ac ourt order to sell an Hydrofoil 1977 Voskod-2 passenger ship.
Its 26 Meter long. For mor info www.gestionprotec.com (28-07-2005)
located in Montreal Canada and we are told its in very good working condition
contact us now !”,”2005-07-27″,”Robert Boivin”,”nopswd”,” “,”gespro@canada.com”,”0″
“9”,”863081″,”5″,”Re; comparison of jetfoil and catamaran||863081″,”Catamarans make a bigger wake than a hydrofoils.Some Russian hydrofoils are shalow draft, like the Voskhod type.See www.dutchhydrofoils.com for examples of high speed ships navigating on the NorthSee canal.
And www.fastferry.nl for example of high speed catamarans navigating on
a river.”,”2005-07-19″,”mark van Rijzen”,”nopswd”,” “,”dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl”,”0″
“10”,”862464″,”5″,”Re; comparison of jetfoil and catamaran||862464″,”Jetfoil is a specific model of hydrofoil initially designed and built by Boeing Marine. It uses a fully-submerged hydrofoil design and is ocean-going. The hydrofoils that I have heard about being used on rivers are the surface-piercing hydrofoil type, mostly designed and built in Russia. Some hydrofoils built by Helmut Kock are still in use on Lake Titicaca in Peru. There is info on these and other hydrofoils throughout the IHS site and elsewhere.”,”2005-07-18″,”Barney C Black”,”nopswd”,” “,” “,”0”
“11”,”859475″,”5″,”comparison of jetfoil and catamaran||859475″,”Dear reader,
Does anybody know why catamarans are not used on rivers for the commercial transport of passengers whereas jetfoils are? What are the functional differences between jetfoil and catamaran that provoke the catamaran not to be used on rivers or canals. Does anybody know examples of high speed ships navigating on rivers and canals? I know about jetfoils in the netherlands and on the danube but that is just about as far as my knowledge stretches. I would be grateful for any information!
“,”2005-07-12″,”Chris Beghin”,”nopswd”,” “,”xris1510@hotmail.com”,”0″
“12”,”853110″,”5″,”LASTOCHKA-M HYDROFOIL NEWBUILDING CONTRACTING||853110″,”Dear sir,
Pls contact me as I’m very interested by your offers.
My e mail adress is : mamode@wanadoo.mg
Mamode”,”2005-06-29″,”mamode”,”nopswd”,” “,”mamode@wanadoo.mg”,”0″
TEL/FAX:+7 095 254 04 43 OR
“,”2005-06-28″,”FEDOROV VYACHESLAV”,”nopswd”,” “,”SLAVA@CIELO-TRADING.NET”,”0″
Calling For Investment in Passenger Fast Ferry Operation in West Coast of Africa.
I am interested in a joint venture with a partner/s who might have or could finance 1 or 2 seagoing passenger hydrofoils or fast ferries for us to start a coastal operation in West Africa. He might need to invest as much as $1.7 M to buy and bring successfully to West Africa an hydrofoil not older than 6 years. Or as much as $5 – $10 M for a fast ferry in range of 0.1 to 8 years old. I am advised not to buy vessels that are too old in order to enjoy hitch free operations. Vessels capable of carrying 120 – 350 passengers together with 5 – 25 tons of cargo are good for the routes. Demand for such ferry service is high and there is non on the routes at present.
This project can also be financed by preferential loan arrangement, repayable within 1 to 3 years of operation.
I am 53 years old, born again Christian, a qualified Shipbroker, member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London elected in 1983.
For full details, Interested investors should contact me – Yinka Olaipe.
Tel: 08055620933 or 08023154661 E-mail: lmhcoastal@yahoo.co.uk.
Addresss: LMH Nig. Ltd (Shipping & Shipbroking) 6, Airways Road, Ijeshatedo, P. O. Box 6271, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria.
“,”2005-05-21″,”Yinka Olaipe”,”nopswd”,” “,”lmhcoastal@yahoo.co.uk”,”0″
“15”,”832472″,”5″,”Commercial Jetfoils||832472″,”Does anyone know how many Jetfoils are still operating in the world? Also whatever happenned to the ones that went to Indonesia and sat there for all these years? “,”2005-05-21″,”Rod Clayards”,”nopswd”,” “,”rodbev@shaw.ca”,”0″
“16”,”831700″,”5″,”Former Seajets Engineer Will Tell All||831700″,”Aloha-
I am former Engineer/ Diver for the ill-fated Seajets Boeing 929 Florida to Bahamas operation . I will answer any inquiries regarding the experiences of hydrofoil ferry service in US waters as a member of the Maintenance Department. Feel free to contact me “Boatdoc@aol.com” Michael Berman”,”2005-05-20″,”Michael Berman”,”nopswd”,” “,”Boatdoc@aol.com”,”0″
“18”,”780611″,”5″,”Re: Hydrofoils – Vietnam||780611″,”No personal experience. Schedules posted at the following webpages:
A traveler posted a couple of photos of the vessels at this page:
http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/Public/PhotoAlbum60.html”,”2005-02-12″,”Barney C Black”,”poopdeck”,” “,”bcblack@erols.com”,”0″
“19”,”780554″,”5″,”Hydrofoils – Vietnam||780554″,”We will be visiting Vung Tau, Vietnam, in late March as a part of a cruise to other places in Australia and SE Asia. We will have only one day in Vung Tau and I would like to travel by hydrofoil to Ho Chi Minh City for sightseeing and shopping. Does anyone have any experiences with the hydrofoil services from Vung Tau-HCMC and return? If there are companies recommended, or to be avoided, I would appreciate comments. If there are any other places in Australia, Singapore, or Thailand where we could have a hydrofoil or high-speed catamaran ride during a one-day tour stop, I would like to know about those also. Thanks.”,”2005-02-12″,”Ralph Patterson”,”nopswd”,” “,”RAPatterson.57@alum.dartmouth.org”,”0″
“20”,”764235″,”5″,”METEOR-2000 HYDROFOIL FOR SALE||764235″,”ZELENODOLSK SHIPYARD, russia, OFFER NEW METEOR-2000 HYDROFOILS AND NEW FFF. 12 months – guaraties.
PLEASE WRITE snikonov63@yahoo.com
marketing manager”,”2005-01-14″,”sergey nikonov”,”nopswd”,” “,”snikonov63@yahoo.com”,”0″
“21”,”750876″,”5″,”||||750876″,”We are investigating the possibilty of aquiring a small to medium size hydrofoil for commercial use on NE coast UK. Seating for 50/60 persons with shallow draft with foils retracted.
“,”2004-12-13″,”Bob Roberts”,”nopswd”,” “,”enquiries@fibretalk.com”,”0″
“22”,”744252″,”5″,”Re: Disco Volate||744252″,”Are you aware that Disco Volate/volante was a fake that did not fly?
I saw a TV program (was it Movie Magic?) that showed the special effects involved. They built a big model of the craft from the water line up. This was placed on a planing hull and was photographed at speed using a blue mat as a background. Then they inserted images of foils inplace of the planing hull.
I saw this quite a while ago, so I may be reporting some of these details inaccurately, but I definately remember my disappointment that this improbable design did not really fly in the movie.”,”2004-11-27″,”Ray Vellinga”,”nopswd”,” “,”rvell@san.rr.com”,”0″
“23”,”738770″,”5″,”Investment Opportunity ||738770″,”Investment Opportunity in Passenger Fast Ferry Operation on West Coast of Africa
I am interested in a joint venture with a partner who might have or could finance 1 or 2 Seagoing Passengers Hydrofoils or Fast Ferries for us to start a coastal operation in West Africa. He might need to invest as much as $500K – $1M in buying the hydrofoils, while I would offer the management side of the operation. The demand for such ferry services is high. There is no such service at the moment. I am a qualified Shipbroker, member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London since 1983. And above all, I am a born again Christian.
Interested investor should contact — Yinka Olaipe. Lagos. Tel: 08023154661
E-mail: lmhcoastal@yahoo.co.uk
“,”2004-11-16″,”Yinka Olaipe”,”nopswd”,” “,”lmhcoastal@yahoo.co.uk”,”0″
“24”,”714918″,”5″,”Hydrofoils for sale||714918″,”Dear Mr. Whatley,
attached you will find information regarding two hydrofoils. In order to give an estimate of the shipping costs to SE Asia we have to know to which place they are to be shipped. We normally advise the vessels to be shipped as deck cargo. Both vessels are owned by a Dutch Shipping Company and the sale will be conducted directly from the owner. Both ships are currently registered in the Neteherlands.
All the documents you like to see are ready for your inspection and you are welcome to see those at your convenience.
Kind regards,
Marcel Roelofs
Voorplecht 15
1186 WP Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Tel + 31 20 453 75 90
Fax + 31 20 453 75 91
Mobile + 31 6 22535406
E-mail Marcel.Roelofs@12move.nl “,”2004-09-27″,”Chevalier Floatels”,”nopswd”,” “,”marcel.roelofs@12move.nl”,”0″
“25”,”712040″,”5″,”Re: Purchase/Lease 2 Hydro Passenger Boats (used)||712040″,”We are in the process of narrowing the field of available crafts, can you forward any additional information regarding the two that you are offering.
Who has the title to these crafts, availability for inspections, logs, references, bank references etc.
We also wish to have your estimate of transfers of the two units to SE Asia.
Best regards,
R Whatley
Reginatorw@netscape.net”,”2004-09-20″,”R Whatley”,”nopswd”,” “,”reginatorw@netscape.net”,”0″
“26”,”710440″,”5″,”For sale MTU 12V 331, W6 overh.||710440″,”One (1) W6 overhauled MTU 12V 331 TC82 marine engine for sale.
Rated 1050 HP at 2050 RPM.
Engine has only 90 hours of operation after complete W6 overhaul (testing and adjustments).
Ready to install. The engine can easily be converted to TC92 (1582 HP) or derated to TC81 version by adjustment of governor.
A very common engine in Rodriquez hydrofoils.
A W6 overhaul of a 12V 331 cost 80-100.000 EUR or more today.
Price: 65.000 EUR or best offer.
Bo Berglund
Rickenbacker Sweden Phone: +46-708-37 23 58, Fax: +46-708-37 33 58
Email: calibrator@telia.com
“,”2004-09-17″,”Bo Berglund”,”nopswd”,” “,”calibrator@telia.com”,”0″
“27”,”706667″,”5″,”Re: Disco Volate||706667″,”There is info on the Disco Volante in several areas of the IHS correspondence archives. Most of the interest is from people who want to model the vessel. Go to each of the following pages and scroll down in the correspondence or search on the page for Disco Volante. Also feel free to try to contact any of the people who has corresponded on this subject to see if they have more recent information:
A newspaper ad offering the vessel for sale is at:
Note that Jean Buhler of Miami Shipbuilding is still alive and well, so you could call him if you want to chat about this vessel or any other MSC projects.
“,”2004-09-10″,”Barney C Black”,”poopdeck”,” “,”bcblack@erols.com”,”0″
“28”,”705949″,”5″,”amphibian hovrcraft(10T-20T)Russian||705949″,”I would like to take lease amphibian hovercraft for long tram basis for cargo purpose.If you are interested please inform me as soon as possiable.”,”2004-09-09″,”Ruman Barua”,”nopswd”,” “,”rum27m@yahoo,com”,”0″
“29”,”705497″,”5″,”LOOKING TO BUY HYDROFOILS.||705497″,”I am interested in receiving information on new (or not too old) foils for passengers for sale and/or lease. They have to hold at least 100pp.
Please send price, photos, characteristics and conditions of sale.
Anyone with this kind of foils for sale, please contact me at
Thank you
Enrique”,”2004-09-08″,”Enrique”,”nopswd”,” “,”kikeolarte@yahoo.com”,”0″
“30”,”703351″,”5″,”Re: seeking old russian high speed hydrofoils ||703351″,”We currently have an older Meteor Hydrofoil available. It is not offered for lease but for sale. However the asking price is only
170000 euro and we are open for offers. I will send you additinal information by email
Kind regrads,
Marcel Roelofs”,”2004-09-02″,”Chevalier Floatels”,”nopswd”,” “,”marcel.roelofs@12move.nl”,”0″
“31”,”703339″,”5″,”Hydrofoils for sale||703339″,”We currently have 2 hydrofoils for sale which are very reasonably priced. Both are Meteoor and have been in service until recently. Both vessels are still in class.
I will send you some pictures and some information per seperate email”,”2004-09-02″,”Chevalier Floatels”,”nopswd”,” “,”marcel.roelofs@12move.nl”,”0″
“32”,”702063″,”5″,”Disco Volate||702063″,”I am looking for the Flying Fish Hydrofoil used in the James Bond movie Thunderball. Its movie name was the Disco Volante. Any info would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Dick Henry”,”2004-08-30″,”Dick Henry”,”nopswd”,” “,”mrdr0590@comcast.net”,”0″
“33”,”699313″,”5″,”Purchase/Lease 2 Hydro Passenger Boats (used)||699313″,”We represent a concern wishing to lease/buy 2 used passenger boats, to be operated in SE Asia. Must have excellent log of maintenance etc. 35+ mph, 240+ PAX. We are quite serious and will consider serious opportunities only. Please feel free to forward leads to our email as well.
“,”2004-08-25″,”R Whatley”,”nopswd”,” “,”reginatorw@netscape.net”,”0″
“34”,”694828″,”5″,”seeking old russian high speed hydrofoils ||694828″,”i am seeking russian old hydrofoils for long tarms lease any type of condition (rocket, cyclone,kometa7,vliegb,oly15,kara4,metrus)please contact by mail”,”2004-08-15″,”Ruman Barua”,”nopswd”,” “,”rum27m@yahoo.com”,”0″
“35”,”691580″,”5″,”Re; I Need some Help||691580″,”Hi Andreh
I`m interested to buy your boats.Please contact me as soon as possible
Best regards
Captain Ali Jodat
“,”2004-08-08″,”Captain Ali Jodat”,”nopswd”,” “,”jodat@technicon-tic.com”,”0″
“36”,”691508″,”5″,”Re; I Need some Help||691508″,”andre,
please take digital photos, send them to me or mail to
jeffrey Phipps
500 orchard Pond Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Hablo un poco de espanol, y trabaje in Brazil por dos meses en 1993, entonces puede comprehende un poco de portugues.
I am going to Paraguay in six months, would love to look at your equipment with the idea to purchase all three craft, for conversion or to put into service.
Please indicate where you are,
jeffrey Phipps,”,”2004-08-07″,”jeff phipps”,”nopswd”,” “,”jfipps@growthinnovations.com”,”0″
Archive; Buy/Sell/Restore/Convert Hydrofoil
Click below to Open
[Date/Time=03-24-2002 – 3:12 PM]
Name:webmaster@foils.org [Msgid=237684]
Archive; Where To Buy Hydrofoil Work Boat
Work Boat for Commercial Algae Harvesting
[3 Dec 97] I am a commercial harvester of a blue green algae on Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA. The raw product is transported 10 to 14 miles to its drop-off point. We will be upgrading our transport system for the next harvest season. Our objectives are as follows: two (2) transport boats, each 24 to 26 ft. in length; payload of 2500 lb. ; transport speed 60 mph at 70% power. Klamath lake is 25 miles long, 5 miles wide and averages 9 ft. deep. The lake level will seasonally drop to 4.5 ft. in the shallower spots that we must cross. 2 to 3 ft. chop is to be expected when
sudden winds occur. We are currently talking with American Offshore (Grove Oklahoma – 26 ft. tunnel), Shoell Marine (24 ft. step hull, fiberglass, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) and Wind River (step hull, 24-26ft. alum. Pasco Washington) All these folks claim to be able to get the job done with 400 to 550 hp. That works out to 20 to 24 gallons per hour in fuel, or US$432 per day, or US$43,000 per year.
Enter the foil– will it work, is it more economical, do they break away when you hit a solid object? OK folks, as you can see we are hunting. Look forward to your input, positive or otherwise.
— Mike Reynolds, Flos-Aquae llc (
[21 Mar 98] Re: the Algae harvester, a Hydrofoils, Inc. craft to move (6) 462 lb. drums and two people at 70 mph @ 75% power two 4 hour shifts / day, with reasonable periodic down time for maintenance, will cost just over US$200,000. Flos-Aquae 11c wanted something in the $US50,000 price range, and I’m sure no boat will meet that criteria for that price. We did some heavy calculations and drawings, and the boat is basically designed. I would loved to have this project but I don’t think it’s going to fly at this time.
Ken Cook, Hydrofoils, Inc. (
Click Below to Open related Archive.
[Date/Time=03-25-2002 – 3:54 PM]
Name:Webmaster@foils.org [Msgid=238100]
Want to Buy 2 Hydrofoils
We are urgently in need to buy two (02) used passenger hydrofoil boats with the following requirements:
– Year of manufacture: 1992 or later
– Number of passengers: 65 – 85
– Speed: at least 60 km/h
Could you please help us locate reliable suppliers, thank you in advance.
Address: 59 Hang Chuoi Street, Hai Ba Trung District
Phone: 84-4-971 8899 (6lines) ; Fax: 84-4-971 8898
SECOIN Import-Export Forum:
SECOIN Trade Bulletin Board:
[Date/Time=05-04-2002 – 8:20 AM]
Name:Hong Duong secoin@fpt.vn, [Msgid=255274]
Hydrofoil FOR SALE
I am writing on behalf of the owner of a 77 foot, 145 passenger, 32 knots, 550 miles-range catamaran ferry. It is available immediately: please contact me at

[Date/Time=05-04-2002 – 11:54 AM]
Name:Hein Vogel hv1@lantic.net, [Msgid=255349]
Attached File “Vessel 1~jpg.zip” – size 259374 Click Here To Download
Hydrofoil FOR SALE
Thanks for the accompying Photos of the vessel. Do you have any more details on its charaterictics that indicate what makes it a high performance freey? Are there foils that I see between the catamaran hulls? With additional information we would add the vessel to our site. And if you have a Web Site supporting your sales efforts we would be happy to add it to our links page.
As a volunteer organization we do not endorse or support sales. However, we are happy to post your notice for the benefit of our members.
[Date/Time=05-04-2002 – 8:59 PM]
Name:Bill White Asst. Webmaster whitewn@Speakeasy.net, [Msgid=255472]
Want to Buy 2 Hydrofoils
for more information on where to Buy.
If you would like, we would be happy to list you web site on our Links page where potential sellers often go to be matched up with buyers.
[Date/Time=05-04-2002 – 9:07 PM]
Name:Bill White Asst. Webmaster whitenw@speakeasy.net, [Msgid=255474]
Hydrofoil FOR SALE
I have added this notice, including the principle characteristics provided, to the IHS website announcement page at
[Date/Time=05-09-2002 – 5:33 AM]
Name:Barney C. Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=257264]
Further Info on Hysucat
The ferry is a hydrofoil-supported catamaran (Hysucat) that was built in Cape Town, South Africa and is presently being used to take tourists from Cape Town to Robben Island (Nelson Mandela’s old prison). The foils were designed and optimized by Prof. Hoppe and myself at the University of Stellenbosch. I can supply some pictures and info if Hein is unable.
[Date/Time=05-09-2002 – 11:40 AM]
Name:Gunther Migeotte migeotte@ing.sun.ac.za, [Msgid=257372]
Further Info on Hysucat
Here are the specifications and extra photos of the Hysucat and her Foils as provided by Hein Vogel.
Specifications presented in good faith:
76′ high speed passenger vessel. Located in Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa. Asking price: US$1.325.000
MODEL: High speed passenger vessel
BUILDER: T-Craft & Waterfront Charters
DESIGNER: J. R. Van Niekerk, Boatfloat cc.
TYPE: Tandem hydrofoil-supported catamaran passenger ferry
Dual foils made of high-grade stainless steel, specially designed for this vessel after tank tests. The center foil is 9.75 feet wide and 1.6 feet long. Each foil is positioned at bottom of hull. The vessel rises 2 feet out of the water at approx. 18 mph, reducing the hull wetted surface considerably, and effectively providing approx. 30% more speed and reducing the fuel consumption by approx. 28%.
TOP: Open sundeck with seating for 46 passengers
ENGINES: 2 x MTU / DDC 12v (fitted new 30 July 2000) with standard drive shafts and propellers.
ENGINE HOURS: (at 03-05-2002) 1192 Port, 1189 Starboard.
(1) Approx. 21 US gallons/hour/engine/ 528 gallons/22k = 550 miles
(2) Approx. 30 gallons/hour/engine/528 gallons/32k = 544 miles
RIG: Mast with cross trees for navigation light etc
MATERIAL: Superstructure: marine grade aluminum, marine grade painted.
Hull: glass reinforced plastic and balsacore sandwich construction with GRP and foam ring beams.
Deck: Laminated wooden beams bonded to hull construction.
SPEED: Cruising: 26 knots (laden) Maximum: 32 knots at 2300 rpm
TANKS: Fuel:2 x 528 US gallons Water: 396 gallons
WEIGHT: 42 metric tons (light ship). 65 metric tons with fuel & water. 86 metric tons GRT
All passenger seating is on tracks in the saloon and can be modified from ferry style (cinema) to restaurant, conference or school room style. Large kiosk / bar with access from interior and exterior. 145 passengers + 8 crew (including master) = 153 total.
* MTU engine: computerized instruments linked to dual engine room computer panels providing revolutions, oil pressures, oil & water temperatures, injection pressure, gearbox conditions, etc.
* Navigational: Navico, Corus system, providing speed & log depth, windspeed & direction, compass heading, autopilot etc.
* MTU portable engine controls for docking procedure.
* Simrad radar RA772, 24 nautical mile range.
* Simrad RT 1200 VHF radio.
* Two ICOM IC-GM1500 VHF emergency portable radios.
* ITT Jabsco searchlight.
* All tanks monitoring panel.
* A/C switch panel, 50Hz.
* 12v – 24v switch panel.
* Emergency ship intercom & fog / siren system.
* Ringmaster intercom system throughout vessel.
* Chubb fire system with sensors and alarms throughout vessel.
* Chubb security system with sensors and alarms throughout vessel.
* JVC KS Fx230 Radio & CD player.
* Lofrans electric windlass control.
* Panasonic air conditioner
* Sharp VC RA33 video system.
* Panasonic music sound system, amplifiers & speakers.
* Two Panasonic air conditioners.
* Two Panasonic air down curtains.
* Lights dimmer controls.
* Fire system sensors & alarms.
Generator: Perkins model 1004T, 240 volt, 50Hz, 20 KVA.
Glass reinforced plastic and balsacore sandwich construction with GRP and foam ring beams. Deck is made of marine plywood bonded to laminated wooden beams and watertight bulkheads to form a strong integral construction.
* Main engines: 2 x MTU / DDC 12v 92 2000 m90 (fitted 30 July 2000)
* 2 x 1350 Hp (2 x 1007 kW)
* Fuel Consumption: 80 liters per hour at 26 knots (savings due to adjustable foil system)

[Date/Time=05-09-2002 – 11:16 PM]
Name:Bill White bbs@foils.org, [Msgid=257698]
Attached File “Pic9~jpg.zip” – size 284815 Click Here To Download
Further Info on Hysucat
Thanks for the offer. We received plenty of pictures of the overall craft, but none of the Foils themselves.
I have always thought that catamarans made great hulls for hydrofoils. I even got as far as working with the French Navy via NATO while they did a design and model tested a catamaran hydrofoil that fully lifted out of the water on it’s fully submerged Foil system. It confirmed all my performance beliefs, but was never built for the usual Monohulls are good enough reasons.
If you have any photos of the foil system on HUSUCAT, it would be a wecome addition to our web site along with any commentary you could provide.
[Date/Time=05-13-2002 – 11:21 AM]
Name:Bill White, BBS Moderator whitewn@speakeasy.net, [Msgid=258802]
Further Info on Hysucat
I have some photos of the foils on the boat as well as some of the foils being constructed. I will scan a couple and post them here shortly.
[Date/Time=05-19-2002 – 9:23 AM]
Name:Gunther Migeotte migeotte@ing.sun.ac.za, [Msgid=261225]
New Voskhod-2M for
For photo’s of the first new Voskhod-2M for Fast Flying Ferries.
Build by Feodosia shipbuilding association “MORYE”.

[Date/Time=05-22-2002 – 6:38 AM]
Name:Capt M Van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=262426]
Attached File “vos-2m~jpg.zip” – size 17457 Click Here To Download
New Voskhod-2M
Great photos, Mark. With your permission I will put some of them in the newsletter.
[Date/Time=05-24-2002 – 4:07 AM]
Name:Barney C. Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=263297]
Hydrofoils and Whales Don`t Mix
Interesting brief article on the Greenpeace website at
“…Due to the rolling of ocean swells, the sonar of a hydrofoil can’t see surface objects – even BIG objects – like whales in its path. Compounding this problem, the fast speed of a hydrofoil is typically nothing a whale is accustomed to, and the whale may not be able to avoid a collision even if it hears one coming. Indeed, the whales which spend most time at the surface are the babies, which are nearly invisible even to a boat going a fraction the speed of a hydrofoil… “
[Date/Time=05-24-2002 – 4:20 AM]
Name:Barney C. Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=263299]
Hydrofoils and Whales Don`t Mix
Collision with whales is not a phenomenon that is unique to hydrofoils. Over the years there have been a number of reports of yachts under sail colliding with whales. It is thought that this may occur when the whales are sleeping. In those cases the yachts have often been significantly damaged or sunk.
The reference to “sonar” in the Greenpeace article is presumably referring to the navigation radar that would be fitted to commercial hydrofoils.
[Date/Time=05-25-2002 – 6:26 AM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=263686]
Hydrofoils and Whales Don`t Mix
No kidding. Just ask the crew of the
(PHM 4) about a certain night in ’91 or ’92 going from 40+ knots to zero knots in the length of the ship off the back of a whale. The Skipper left his face impression in a metal door, breaking vertebrae in his neck in the process. Several other crew members were also injured. Diesel motors were ripped from their foundations. The hull was actually wrinkled back by the aft struts. From all accounts, it was a rude awakening in the middle of the night for some sailors. — FCC(SW) Kevin Hufnagle (ret),
[Date/Time=05-27-2002 – 8:20 AM]
Name:FCC(SW) Kevin Hufnagle (ret) khufnagle@stonel.com, [Msgid=264145]
New Voskhod-2M
Today (31th of may 2002)at 14:00 the Eilsum will arrive
at the locks in IJmuiden.
With as deckcargo hull#605.
I will try to update my site A.S.A.P…
[Date/Time=05-31-2002 – 2:12 AM]
Name:Capt Mark van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=265844]
Why Aren`t There More Hydrofoils?
Here is a good question about the merits of hydrofoils that appeared in the archives… asked 5 years ago, and still no answer has appeared. If only people like Hanns von Schertel were still around to answer these questions with their insights…
[14 Oct 97] I am a student in an English university, and my Strategic Management Project is about passenger hydrofoils; I would like info about the advantages and disadvantages compared to other means of transport, analysis, specific magazines about hydrofoils, and how I can join IHS. — Mike Koronaios
[Date/Time=07-14-2002 – 7:58 PM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=282357]
New Voskhod-2M
Here is a photo made on one of the last test runs of our new voskhod-2M. The photo is free to use. If you have any questions I will try to answer them all. – Mark van Rijzen

[Date/Time=07-20-2002 – 5:56 AM]
Name:Mark van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=284541]
New Voskhod-2M
Thanks for posting the great photo. We would appreciate it if you could add some additional details about the craft and her history.
I went to your Web Site. Very interesting. Perhaps you could share some of your background and the purpose of the site with us. I would be happy to transfer it more permanently within our Web site so others can share your interests.
[Date/Time=07-20-2002 – 3:49 PM]
Name:Bill White whitewn@speakeasy.net, [Msgid=284646]
New Voskhod-2M
History of this new vessel is highlighted in the current (Summer 02) issue of the IHS Newsletter. It appears only in the electronic version, however, not the printed version… those IHS members who are not web enabled will miss out on it.
[Date/Time=07-21-2002 – 5:05 PM]
Name:Barney C Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=284928]
New Voskhod-2M
I always liked the old Fast Flying Ferries (FFF) Voskhod colour scheme but the new one is nice as well.
Could you perhaps tell us what the unusual projection is at the stem of the bow? It is something that is not fitted to the original FFF Voskhods but was apparent on this the new craft, particularly on some of the other photos on your website.
[Date/Time=07-22-2002 – 6:13 AM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=285079]
New Voskhod-2M
you can read the story of hull 605.

[Date/Time=07-29-2002 – 4:26 AM]
Name:Capt Mark van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=287625]
Attached File “vos-2mnewcol01~JPG.zip” – size 629459 Click Here To Download
New Voskhod-2M
The unusual projection is at the stern of the bow is the resuld of a 2001 rule by the Dutch shipping inspection.The rule is that new to build ships(all types) may not have their anchor stick out of the hull of the ship.Since hull 605,606 and 604 allready being build,FFF choose this unusual projection to prevent the anchor stick out of the hull.About the new colour,Fast Flying Ferries is now a part of Connexxion,( Big public transportation company with bus lines and [door to door wheelchair] taxi’s)and this is their house colour.We hope to see hull 606 arrive in the end of August.
[Date/Time=07-29-2002 – 5:04 AM]
Name:Capt Mark van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=287631]
log strike
Does anybody have any further information on the following accident:
the new superfoil 40 foil assisted catamaran for the Linda Line, LINDA EXPRESS, built by Almaz Marine in St Petersburg entered service on the Tallinn-Helsinki route in July 22nd. THe 40m, 288 seat, 55 knot vessel had arrived in the estonian captial already on 16th June, completing the delivery trip from St. Petersburg in 3.5 hours. But only 3 days after its inauguration on July 5th, the catamaran had to be pulled from service as 12 NM off the Estonian coast the starboard engines died and it was discovered the hull had been punctured and began taking on water. A floating log hit by the vessel was believed to have caused this.
[Date/Time=08-19-2002 – 10:20 PM]
Name:Gunther Migeotte gmigeotte@artanderson.com, [Msgid=298219]
SHEARWATERs to Thailand
Here is a picture I took in mid-April 2002 of the Red Funnel RHS 70
that were advertised on the IHS site were sold. I can tell you that they are going to Thailand via the Med and Suez canal under their own power (mad or what?! I have had some rough rides in these, and that was only going across the Solent to the Isle of Wight). The vessels will be used for taking tourists and divers + equipment to islands off Thailand’s east coast.

[Date/Time=09-11-2002 – 7:31 PM]
Name:Neil Newman Newmans@1pinegrove.fsnet.co.uk, [Msgid=308543]
MEC hydrostatic drive
Way back in, I believe, the summer of 1969, Carlo Rodriquez, one of his design engineers and I were having a meal on the terrace of a small restaurant just outside Messina. Carlo, in his usual way, was digging in my plate for the bread-and-something stuffed bell peppers he had ordered for all three of us and which I did not like. By the end of the meal, a telephone call at the restaurant informed Carlo that his house in Musolino (where I was staying) might be threatened by burning trees and shrubbery that had been set ablaze by the erupting Etna. I remember that Carlo rode with me in my Citroën DS 21 to go and check. The polyester roof of the car got scorched when we drove at high speed down a gravel road through burning Eucalypt trees. We arrived safely by the house only to find out that the generator in the shed outside was a bit slow to start, but nothing else had happened and the fire was spreading in a direction away from the house.
When I drove Carlo back to his house in Messina, he mentioned that they were breaking their heads over a new drive system, wanted for further development of their aliscafi, but had not come up with a satisfactory solution. He also mentioned that they would have loved to incorporate it in the GP 40, that, at that time, was being converted from a test bed into a luxury yacht (later to be sold to a man nicknamed “signore mezzo milliardo” by a newspaper for having paid 500 million lire for it).
Later that year, back in Belgium, I drew up some sketches and took them to Roelof Laan’s engineering bureau in Dordrecht, Holland, to discuss them. A couple of months later or so I sent Carlo an outline of my idea to use a hydrostatic drive: pumps coupled to the engines, hydromotor/props mounted on the rear foil. That would certainly have done away with the shaft vibration and other problems that we had discussed. Carlo sent me a polite letter saying that my idea was totally unfeasable and not worth pursuing.
This afternoon, by coincidence, I came across your webpage at
and, reminiscing about these bygone days, started to read and was quite surprised to read the following:
On the ground of the experience and exciting results with the RHS series, the technical department of Rodriquez Shipyard undertakes a series of studies on research and development which lead to the definition of a new product. The MEC (Maximum Efficiency Craft) series which adds the hydrostatic drive to the hydrofoil idea. This revolutionary propulsion system consisting of a set of hydraulic pumps coupled to a conventional diesel engine and a block of hydraulic motors placed on the foil in turn coupled to a propeller.
[Date/Time=09-14-2002 – 8:33 PM]
Name:Takeo De Meter a133759@in.pandora.be, [Msgid=309798]
MEC hydrostatic drive
Thank you for a layered and fascinating remembrance stimulated by Leopoldo Rodriquez’s history (which is becoming a bit dated) of Rodriquez Cantieri Navali. This history is on our site at
. There is more info on the Rodriquez MEC vessel in our photo gallery at
I would like to console you with the news that the MEC design was not a technical or commercial success, but in these circumstances, and from your point of view, news of success or news of failure would be equally disappointing!
[Date/Time=09-14-2002 – 8:46 PM]
Name:Barney C Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=309803]
MEC hydrostatic drive
Disappointment ? Not really. It is all so long ago, more than 30 years now. But now I also remember a few other things of anecdotic value. The country house in Musolino, in the hills, was rather a small palazzo than a house, with a large flat terrace roof on which his children (and I) put our beds to sleep during the warm summer nights. It was a very pleasant place to stay. When I rode with Carlo in his Lancia to his house in Messina, coming from the Molo Norimberga, he invariably drove up a one-way street in the wrong direction and I often saw policemen saluting him and holding up traffic for him so he got through. There was also a small (5 or 6 metre) craft at the cantiere that was used to test scaled-down foil set-ups. The GP 40 was featured in a french girlie magazine called “Lui” and the article was titled “Un poisson volant qui nous vient d’Italie” (A flying fish that comes towards us from Italy). Carlo was kinda proud of that article – there are not many pictures of the GP 40-. It would “fly” at some 120 Km/h in force 5 seas with no hull movement exceeding 2 degrees in any direction, at one time she had 2 Maybach (MTU) 750 HP V-12 diesel engines, but the early electronics that steered the automatic stability array were very troublesome.
[Date/Time=09-14-2002 – 8:48 PM]
Name:Takeo De Meter a133759@in.pandora.be, [Msgid=309804]
MEC hydrostatic drive
I was looking at the Rodriquez website (
) trying to figure out what the GP 40 was but I couldn’t find any indication of it on their construction listing. The nearest I could come to it was a small experimental craft they called the ST-1 (see photo below from Rodriquez website), the reference on the website to 70-passenger capacity is apparently an error. The photo shows a boat with “Supramar AG” titles on its side. I am wondering whether the ‘small craft of 5-6 metres’ is one and the same as the ‘GP 40’? Placing two 750 HP engines into such a small boat seems difficult to me.

[Date/Time=09-15-2002 – 7:55 PM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=310083]
MEC hydrostatic drive
The GP40 is the original name of the Aliyacht later converted to a passenger RHS110 for Aerobarcos do Brasil and named Flecha de Angra. The Rodriquez site lists it under the last name.
The full story was in Classic Fast Ferries #6 which is no longer available for download but a mail to Tim could help.
[Date/Time=09-17-2002 – 7:52 AM]
Name:Eje Flodstrom eje.flodstrom@yahoo.com, [Msgid=310754]
MEC hydrostatic drive
Thanks for that explanation. I have a copy of CFF #6 from 2000 and so it was worth reading the article on the RHS 110 series once again.
I didn’t make the connection with the Aliyacht since Takeo had made reference to a small 5-6 metre craft. The Aliyacht was around 24.5m long. Jane’s Surface Skimmers indicates the Aliyacht was powered by two supercharged MTU/Maybach MB 12V 439 TY 71 Diesels rated at 1350 hp which is similar to Takeo’s recollections except that the installed power is greater. It may be possible that the craft was re-powered at some point to achieve greater performance.
[Date/Time=09-17-2002 – 9:34 PM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=311120]
The Albatross
Looking for a good home for the H/V Albatross. Hull and cabin are in good condition. However, she’s missing foils, strut, shaft, rudder, and engine. Anyone knowing of a museum, school, conservator, etc. interested in having it donated to them, please let me know.
[Date/Time=11-05-2002 – 1:51 PM]
Name:Robert Miller cbbi@aol.com, [Msgid=333844]
The Albatross
For Bob Miller
: It has been a couple of years, but here are two possible contacts for you: (1) In April 02, Britt Goudey (
) notified us that he had found a similar vessel in poor condition in Anchorage, AL and was looking for advice on how to restore it. If the foils are in good shape, perhaps he could combine those with your hull. (2) Back in Aug 02, we were contacted by Ken Tuccillo, phone: 914-478-6375
) who had seen the photos of your restoration and wanted to find a vessel and do a similar conversion. If he bought yours, that would save him the trouble!
For Others interested in this vessel
: historical and other info, and photos of Bob Miller’s resoration are on the IHS website at
. Historical information and photos on the Albatross in her prime are in the Helmut Kock biography at
[Date/Time=11-07-2002 – 8:17 AM]
Name:Barney C. Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=334736]
We want to buy 02 unit high speed vessel for passenger transportation.( Brand new 100% )passengers 60 – 80. From Russia.
If you can supply or Export to Vietnam market, please send to us:
1. Catalogues, Engine, model, Sepecification,
2. Price list FOB any port or CNF any Port Vietnam.
3. Origin, manufactory , Sepecification, Payment, quantity, quality….
Please send by Post Service to Letter-Box:
P.O.Box No.02 Thanh Khe Central Post Office
Danang City – Vietnam 59200
Or send by DHL – EMS to Address:
Commercial TW2 Building.No.45 Dung Si Thanh Khe Rd
Thanh Khe Dis., DaNang City – Vietnam
Atlantic International Co.,(Vietnam)
Attn: Mr. Nguyen Danh SON/ Director
Hotline: 090 3581157 * Fax: 0511-655 222
[Date/Time=12-13-2002 – 2:00 AM]
Name:Nguyen Danh Son atlanticvietnam@yahoo.com, [Msgid=350699]
Try to contact mister S.J.Stoop:
He is the European contact person of the
Feodosia shipbuilding association”MORYE”
,situated in the Ukraine.
He can help you to buy a 100% new Voskhod-2M-FFF.
see my site for the first three Voskhod-2M-FFF ever build.
Here you can see also more info on the vessels.
The hydrofoils are great to operate!!!
[Date/Time=12-13-2002 – 3:24 AM]
Name:Capt M van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=350707]
Attached File “vos-2mnewcol01l~jpg.zip” – size 30148 Click Here To Download
Commercial Ferry Service in Niger
Ferry Service to accommodate 250 passengers and if possible, as well provide for carrying 20 vehicles.
There is the need to develop the sea transportation system in the highly populated area of the Niger Delta of Nigeria. Present developments taking place in the area justify this. Presently, there are no fast moving ferry crafts operating in that zone, meanwhile movement of people and goods between various cities, such as, Port Harcourt, Warri and say Bonny, Forcados (which are on the Atlantic Ocean coast line) is high and deserve serious attention.
It is our intention to propose to the relevant government agencies, the idea of generally modernizing the transportation system in the Niger Delta zone, to include towns on the bank of River Niger.
The type of vessel we intend to propose for this ferry operation will be either Hydrofoil or Hovercraft, this will speed up movement, yet be very safe
We are looking for interested companies that will want to consider doing business in Nigeria, on joint venture basis, to offer proposal on this subject, noting the following conditions:
1. Supply, Operate and Maintain NEW or REFURBISHED vessel. Refurbished vessel must not
be over 5 years of age from the date of manufacture.
2. Supply adequate spare parts for 2 years operation
3. The vessel shall be standard passenger ferry with basic facilities/amenities.
4. The vessel shall have service speed (at sea) of between 40 and 55 knots.
5. Fuel consumption must be minimum.
6. Training local personnel to operate and maintain the vessel.
We, of course, will be glad to receive proposals from companies that may only want to sell vessels and not involve themselves in the operation, however, such proposal must satisfy our above requirements/conditions.
Any company that is interested in this venture should come up with a detailed proposal that should be mailed to our address below. Make it for the attention of our Managing Director, Kadiri P. Otaru.
We shall appreciate an initial e-mail introduction.
Solid Base Nigeria Limited
NITEL Train. Sch. Post Office,
Tel/Fax 2341 4526782 (You may send fax to the number 234 1 4934696, 4960338)
GSM numbers: 234 (0)803 3006423 or 234 (0)802 3109874
[Date/Time=01-20-2003 – 10:07 AM]
Name:Kadiri P. Otaru solidbasenig@yahoo.com, [Msgid=364450]
seattle hydrofoil service to Victoria
I am looking for the name of the company who operates a commercial hydrofoil service from Seattle to Victoria, B.C.
[Date/Time=02-06-2003 – 12:06 PM]
Name:charlotte gillis charlotteg@carmnet.com, [Msgid=373335]
Re; seattle hydrofoil to Victoria
There is no hydrofoil service, but there are high-speed catamarans that should meet the need. The operator is Clipper Navigation, Inc. 2701 Alaskan Way, Pier 69, Seattle Washington 98121; (206) 448-5000 or 800-888-2535. Or you can book passage on the website:
. They run 4 boats from 108 feet to 132 feet at speeds of 25 to 45 knots (depends on the tide and traffic). Rates differ at various times of the year running from about US$91 to US$115 round trip with senior and child rates available. 7 day advance purchase can also get you reduced rates. It is possible to go up from Seattle in the morning and return from Victoria in the evening, which will give you about 6 hours to visit Canada. Package deals are also available for overnight stays in accommodations of various rates.
[Date/Time=02-07-2003 – 5:12 AM]
Name:Sumi Arima arimas1@juno.com, [Msgid=373798]
Re; seattle hydrofoil service to Victoria
The Victoria Clipper’s which are catamarans have been operating a daily service from Pier 69, Seattle to Victoria since the mid 80’s.
There is loads of informatiom on the net if you need the details &
schedules/prices etc. I don’t think there has been a hydrofoil service
on that route since we operated the Boeing Jetfoil demonstration for
Washington State Ferries 1n the late 70’s & early 80’s.
[Date/Time=02-07-2003 – 11:24 AM]
Name:Bruce Bryant bryant@silverlink.net, [Msgid=373950]
buying hydrofoil
We are a American company working in vietnam. Recently, we want to
import 2 second hand hydrofoils (high speed boat). The type of hydrofoil which we
intending to choose is “METEOR 125 seats”, we want you to give us more detail information as
as PRICE of the hydrofoil
Moreover, we want the hydrofoil which was newly built : at least
1991 or 1992( this make us more easier in registering at Vietnam). So
have any question relalting to this deal, please do not hesitage to
Name of company: American technologies,. Inc
Address: 26 Pham Van Dong st; Cau giay dist; Hanoi VietNam
Contact person: Nguyen Duc Toan
[Date/Time=03-12-2003 – 2:20 AM]
Name:Toannguyen toanbb@yahoo.com, [Msgid=394349]
Catamaran Ferry Needed for India
We have a requirement of a 45-50 Seater Ferry purpose Catamaran. The craft will be used for plying in the River on a Commercial purpose in India.
Please send us full details of the craft suitable to our requirement. While sending the details please positively include the speed, cost of running and CIF Kolkata, India prices.
Sriniwas Fatehpuria Pvt. Ltd. (est. 1949)
Phn : +91 33 2241 5874 – 5
[Date/Time=04-09-2003 – 7:51 AM]
Name:Ravi Fatehpuria sfpl@usa.net, [Msgid=413150]
Scrapped Vessels Wanted in Egypt
We are interested to buy any scrapped vessels ready for sale as
scrap, which can be towed to Alexandria Egypt. Can you offer any? Or can you recommend to us any web site to visit in this regard?
[Date/Time=04-16-2003 – 7:18 PM]
Name:M. Khaled Naweto aba@internetegypt.com, [Msgid=418564]
Re; Scrapped Vessels Wanted in Egypt
You can contact Mr. P de Boer at:
Our company has two Voskhod hydrofoils for “scrap” sale.
[Date/Time=04-17-2003 – 2:57 PM]
Name:Capt M van Rijzen dutchhydrofoils@wanadoo.nl, [Msgid=419198]
Re furb Aircraft Seats for Ferries Availa
We are an avaition company dealing with Aircraft passanger seats.We have attained Some 500 Aircraft seats on (Tourist class/ Business class and First class ).I have noticed that there are Ferry vessels using these seats too.I would like to Invite anyone who is interested in purchasing or leasing these seats.We are located in Singapore & Malaysia.Please contact me for any inquirey.
[Date/Time=04-21-2003 – 5:44 AM]
Name:Rauff Kareem bess1@singnet.com.sg, [Msgid=421164]
Florida Hydrofoil to Bahamas
I am looking for either a website or phone number for a hydrofoil service in West Palm Beach Florida, that takes you to The Bahamas. Can you help me?
[Date/Time=04-28-2003 – 12:31 PM]
Name:Sarah Mack SMACK1@tampabay.rr.com, [Msgid=426450]
Re; Florida Hydrofoil to Bahamas
Sarah, SeaJets Ltd used to offer hydrofoil service between West Palm Beach Fl and Freeport Bahamas via Boeing 929 Jetfoil, but this company has ceased operations.
[Date/Time=04-28-2003 – 12:36 PM]
Name:Barney C. Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=426453]
I have a newbie question on high speed ferries…
when you talk about the Output Power of a vessel, you have the engine output, shaft output, waterjet output, propeller output … and also you have the RPM readings for an engine, do you have a common format when you talk about the output power of a vessel ?
or where should I go for a simple tutorial for the definitions of the basic parameters of a vessel ?
[Date/Time=05-07-2003 – 10:27 AM]
Name:Kevin Tse kevin@softrepublic.com, [Msgid=431479]
Re; Question
I note that you have posted on the International Hydrofoil Society (IHS) bulletin board a question about power. Most refer to the horsepower available at the specified RPM of the propulsion engine installed.
[Date/Time=05-09-2003 – 8:54 PM]
Name:Sumi Arima arimas1@juno.com, [Msgid=433336]
Looking for hydrofoils to buy
I’m looking for 3 hydrofoils (more than 100 passengers, and less than 15 years old).
[Date/Time=05-10-2003 – 10:28 AM]
Name:Rachid Khelouat rkhelouat@yahoo.com, [Msgid=433481]
Re; Looking for hydrofoils to buy
Please contact me giving me your name and address and phone number and some information about the vessels you want. Also where do you want them delivered and approximate budget you have for purchase of the vessels.
I will provide vessels available.
I am currently located in Dubai working with clients.
[Date/Time=05-11-2003 – 11:18 AM]
Name:Tom Schneider intermargrp@aol.com, [Msgid=433830]
Re; Looking for hydrofoils to buy
Please visit my website. have access to others besides the 76′ CAT which is a hydrofoil assisted CAT. Currently she is being looked at by a Company here in the US.
[Date/Time=05-11-2003 – 12:00 PM]
Name:Christopher Whitlock chris@yachtminder.com, [Msgid=433847]
Re; Question
I would agree with Sumi that the installed engine power is most commonly referred to when quoting the ‘power’ of a ship. Of course each type of engine has all sorts of different power ratings, but the most commonly referred to is “Maximum Continuous Rating” or MCR.
When calculating the speed a ship can attain, it is important to account for all the losses in transmitting the engine power to the water, hence allowing for gearbox and shaft losses through friction, and hydrodynamic losses due to the hull and propulsion system. Other losses are associated with such items as fluid couplings and hydraulic or electrical propulsion systems (where generator, convertor, transmission and motor losses need to be allowed for).
In terms of RPM, it is not unusual for the propeller shaft RPM to be identified rather than the engine RPM, however these are simply related to one another by the gear ratio of any gearbox (invariably a reduction gearbox) installed in the ship.
Marine Engineering or Naval Architecture textbooks should be helpful in defining some of the parameters that are commonly used. For example, you may be able to access a copy of Volume 2 of “Principles of Naval Architecture” published by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME).
[Date/Time=05-13-2003 – 8:16 AM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=434658]
waterjet thrust curves
I am looking for the waterjet thrust curves including the cavitation limits for the Kamewa 63 SII waterjet. Can anybody supply me with these?
[Date/Time=05-14-2003 – 11:24 AM]
Name:Gunther Migeotte gunther@cae.co.za, [Msgid=435340]
Re; waterjet thrust curves
To the best of my knowledge, the information you want is company proprietary to KAMEWA. Your best bet is to contact them directly. The main reason for not advertisig those numbers are that they are installation specific to Hull Form, Intallation Location (height, angle) and Inlet congiguration.
[Date/Time=05-15-2003 – 12:06 PM]
Name:Bill White whitewn@speakeasy.net, [Msgid=435954]
San Diego – Oceanside hydrofoil
For those who live near Southern California there is a hydrofoil boat service between San Diego and Oceanside. You can learn more about it at
I have taken it twice. The evening boat leaves San Diego at 5:35 and reaches Oceanside in 1.5 hours. You can enjoy a resaurant dinner at the Oceanside harbor and walk or taxi to the Amtrak station to catch the 9:23 to San Diego, arriving two blocks from your departure. The boat costs $5.00 and the train is about the same. The program is temporarily subsidized by a government grant.
The Wave is a 149 passenger boat with four 1,000 HP diesel engines powering two water jets. The hull is supported by submerged foils fore and aft. These foils partially elevate the hull, and the load is shared by the planing hull.
This hybrid system has advantages over a pure planing hull. It uses less power and fuel. It has a relatively small wake that allows 45 MPH passage through the crowded San Diego harbor. Its motion at sea is relatively comfortable. Less roll, pitch and pounding.
[Date/Time=05-15-2003 – 10:17 PM]
Name:Ray Vellinga rvell@san.rr.com, [Msgid=436293]
Re; waterjet thrust curves
I can back up what Bill has said. I once asked a KaMeWa representative whether it was possible to get performance data for their waterjet series, just as is normal for standard propeller series. The reply was that by all means we could obtain KaMeWa performance predictions and selection of the most suitable size units for a design in question, but the company does not provide general design charts. Once a design is developed in more detail additional data can usually be obtained from the waterjet manufacturer on the thrust vs RPM & input power relationships at different ship speeds.
[Date/Time=05-19-2003 – 7:57 AM]
Name:Martin Grimm seaflite@alphalink.com.au, [Msgid=437779]
Want to ride on a HYDROFOIL
I have been studying HYDROFOIL designs, and think I have “nailed” it. Now need to ride on someone’s craft. I live in South Florida but am willing to go anywhere in NA for an extended ride. Any one have an operating Hydrofoil Boat who can accomodate my request?
[Date/Time=06-03-2003 – 7:30 AM]
Name:Gerry Levine gerrymega@adelphia.net, [Msgid=446219]
Joint Venture Sought in the Philippines
I intend to operate a hydrofoil to serve the transportation of passengers between the two main islands in the Philippines. I plan to enter into a joint venture/partnership with a vessel/hydrofoil owner wherein the operation, management and manning will come from my side. Some important details to consider:
Passenger capacity: 120-150
I am currently operating two fast crafts serving the same place.
[Date/Time=06-23-2003 – 5:22 PM]
Name:Felicito Datinguinoo luchijane@aol.com, [Msgid=458458]
Re; San Diego – Oceanside hydrofoil
FYI- This vessel is formerly the Westfoil. The air propulsion system, and foils have been removed, and the foil and interceptor system employed as mentioned. I live in SD, but have yet to try it. Sounds interesting though.
[Date/Time=07-01-2003 – 7:22 PM]
Name:Kurt Jordan lakingsfankurt@sbcglobal.net, [Msgid=463048]
The Boeing Jetfoil
Hi, I got some question about Boeing Jetfoil.
Does anyone know why Boeing gave up the developement of the Jetfoil 929 and sold the whold deal to Kawasaski in 1987?
Were the 2 929-120 patrol-boat shipped to Indonesia? and did the Indonesian armed their 929-120s? According to the Kawasaki JPS website (seems to be the last and the most “official” website about Jetfoil left on the planet..), the Indonesian are now having 2 Jetfoils, I’d like to know which 2 is the Indonesian operating now? and where’s the others?
Does the Indonesian still have the building licence and the capability to build Jetfoils?
And Finally, how many Boeing/Kawasaki Jetfoils are still operating?
[Date/Time=07-06-2003 – 6:26 AM]
Name:Felix Ng felisvoski@yahoo.com.hk, [Msgid=465206]
Re; The Boeing Jetfoil
According to the 1993/1994 edition of Jane’s High-Speed Marine Craft 26th edition (the latest edition I personally have), there are two Jetfoil 929-115 vessels in Indonesia. The operators are listed as PT PELNI (Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia) / PT PAL Indonesia / P Seribu Paradise Travel Agent. The names are Bima Samudera I delivered 1982 and Binida II delivered 1986. There is a note that the Binida II is Navy-owned. Routes operated are listed as Tanjung Priok, Jakarta to Pandang, Lampung (Srengsan) three days a week and Tanjung Priok, Jakarta to Palau Putri, P Seribu on Sundays (this info may be obsolete).
As to why Boeing decided to get out of the Jetfoil business, there are a few retired Boeing people who worked on the Jetfoil program and who visit the IHS website, so hopefully one of them will respond to you and give some insight.
Parenthetically, China State Shipbuilding Corp offers and is still making (or able to make) a high speed hydrofoil ferry the PS 30 that looks pretty much like a reverse engineered Jetfoil.
As to how many Jetfoils are still operating today, possibly the best source of that information would be Fast Ferry International (
). They publish a database of vessels, operators, shipyards, etc. I checked the 1995 version of that database, which is the latest I have, and found that 38 Jetfoils were listed as operating at that time.
[Date/Time=07-07-2003 – 6:07 AM]
Name:Barney C Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=465573]
Re; The Boeing Jetfoil
The Boeing Company did not sell the “whold deal” to Kawasaki. It licenced the manufacture and sale of the Jetfoil 115 model to Kawasaki. The reason why The Boeing Company licensed the 115 model is proprietory until made public by the company.
[Date/Time=07-07-2003 – 11:58 AM]
Name:Harry Larsen htdr.larsen@verizon.net, [Msgid=465696]
Chattanooga, TN is considering purchasing and operating for tourists & locals a 49-70 passenger-only foil-assisted catamaran which would run year-round from our million-visitor Tennessee Aquarium 20+ miles downstream to the beautiful Tennessee River Gorge. We’re trying to find an East Coast or Great Lakes vessel which is running this sort of route so we can visit and study it. Cruising speed must be 30-50 knots. Please email
or call John McDonald, 423-756-4082 collect if you know of any such operating vessel. Thanks
[Date/Time=07-14-2003 – 8:07 AM]
Name:John jm7403@bellsouth.net, [Msgid=466507]
re; passenger ferry
I sent you some information some time ago regarding our company and some of the vessels we have built. I understand that you are looking for a high speed passenger vessel for the Aquarium. We have 30 conventional passenger catamaran ferries, that we have built, that we could show you. We have the technology available to us from Unstel in South Africa to apply lifting foils to our existing designs. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your specific needs and make a formal presentation.
President, Director of Business Development
Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding
Important Notice: This message and attachment(s) are the property of Duclos Corporation
and are intended only for the original recipient(s). They must not be copied or forwarded,
in whole or in part without their express written permission.
[Date/Time=07-15-2003 – 8:52 AM]
Name:Peter J. Duclos peterd@gladding-hearn.com, [Msgid=470095]
Re; The Boeing Jetfoil
Thanks for your reply. I also looked into some Jane’s Publications (Surface Skimmers ’83 to High Speed Marine Crafts ’03) in the library here in Hong Kong. But the mystery of the Indonesian ships are still unsolved. In the Jane’s books, there’re 3 unnamed Jetfoils include one 929-119 and two 929-120s in list beside the 929-115 “Bima Samudera I” and the 929-119(?) “Bininda II”. The big mystery is all about the 3 unnamed Jetfoils in the island country.
[Date/Time=07-16-2003 – 6:57 AM]
Name:Felix Ng felisvoski@yahoo.com.hk, [Msgid=470823]
Buy Albatros
Search for hidrofoil Albatros or similar for cca 30 passengers.
[Date/Time=09-05-2003 – 3:01 AM]
Name:Danijel Miskovic danijel.miskovic@ri.hinet.hr, [Msgid=501200]
Re; Buy Albatros
Hello, Danijel. When someone attempted to send you an email about your posting, your Internet Service Provider responded: “Remote host said: “553 5.3.0 No such user”. If you made an error in typing your email address, please email a correction to
so that this can be fixed. Otherwise, sellers will not be able to contact you privately. In many cases, sellers will not want to make the details of their offer public by putting them on the BBS, but would prefer to exchange emails with you privately.
[Date/Time=09-07-2003 – 9:34 AM]
Name:Barney C Black webmaster@foils.org, [Msgid=502447]
Re; Re; The Boeing Jetfoil
I guess I am the right person who knows about five Boeing Jetfoil in Indonesia.
If any persons want to make any deals with this vessels please do not hesitate to contact us at
or my fax 62 31 561 2293.
We wellcome to any posibilities to work with.
[Date/Time=09-20-2003 – 7:21 PM]
Name:Sentot Adi Pramono sentot@lycos.com, [Msgid=511166]
re; Distance, rate
What is the distance between this two island?
How many trip per day/week/year?
How much the rate per trip per passenger?
I am in position to find out any cooperation for Indonesian Boeing Jetfoil.
[Date/Time=09-20-2003 – 7:26 PM]
Name:Sentot Adi Pramono sentot@lycos.com, [Msgid=511168]
Partner for Persian Gulf
Owners of 1 or 2 hydrofoils in excellent condition and passenger capacity of 50+ and min.speed of 35+ are invited for a pax liner service in Persian Gulf specially for oil rigs and plants and offshore
passenger sevices between Gulf islands.
Fule+crew+shore offices+maintnance services+P&O and full insurances
will be on our side and a very high revenue is guaranted.
[Date/Time=12-04-2003 – 4:57 PM]
Name:Captain Ali Jodat jodatjoo@msn.com, [Msgid=554213]
Project seeks design partner
I am planning to build an airboat that converts into a hydrofoil once it leaves the shallow river. The plan is to be able to transport at least five tons of cargo. If you can help in the design of such a project and want to get involved on some other level; ordering one if it turns out okay, investing, purchasing one, etc. please email me and we can talk.
[Date/Time=12-05-2003 – 12:37 PM]
Name:Daryan daryan@meroiran.com, [Msgid=554659]
I Need some Help
I Have 3 Hydrofoil to 50 passangers but they are 10 years stoped. The boats don’t float anymore. The machines still closed and out water. I’m looking for some hel´p from you beacause a need to sold those 3 machines, they have 500hp Detroit Diesel. I have some pics but i don’t know where to send…..can you help me ?
Andre Regueira – Florianopolis – Santa Catarina – Brazil
[Date/Time=03-26-2004 – 10:15 AM]
Name:Andre Regueira maicarudo@hotmail.com, [Msgid=621297]
Re; I Need some Help
Hello Andre. This will be difficult to sell internationally, I think. Maybe the best possibility is to sell one-at-a-time to someone locally who wants to restore one as a hobby or as a small business. If you reply to this message, you can attach a photo as a jpg file. To do this, just click on the box below by the text “Click here to attach a file or photo to this message.” Then click the “Submit Message” button. You will be prompted to attach your photo. Best of luck to you…
[Date/Time=03-26-2004 – 9:16 PM]
Name:Barney C Black barney@alum.mit.edu, [Msgid=621641]
I recently received some inquiries as to the status of the hydrofoil ALBATROSS. However, in my usual procrastanating manner, I deleted the emails before I could copy the addresses of those who sent them. My apologies on this. The ALBATROSS is still in Centereach, Long Island in a rather neglected state. Still hoping to interest a museum in adopting her. She was the only one of her class to be built in Costa Mesa, CA. All the others were built in West Chester, PA. Wilson was supposed to build them at their yard but according to Helmut Kock, they did not have the experience in welding aluminum so a sub-contractor was used. Again my apologies on the belated response to the inquiries.
[Date/Time=04-06-2004 – 6:00 PM]
Name:Robert Miller cbbi@aol.com, [Msgid=627414]
boat motors
we have 3 Mercedes motor for sall.
all three are the same brand:MERCEDES.
are complet and with all details.
one of the 3 motors has Zero our working and the other tow has worked 3000 ours.
price:for the new one:100 000 USD.
the tow other:80 000 USD each.
all three motors:200 000 USD.
if you are interested then feel free to ask for more details.
[Date/Time=06-24-2004 – 1:39 PM]
Name:Daniel danielmatte94@hotmail.com, [Msgid=669225] |