Effect of Surface Waves 0179

Effect of Distortion of Sub-Cavitating Foil Contours 0177

Design Criteria for Hydrofoil Hull Bottom Plating 0175

Design Criteria for Detail Foil Design 0174

Considerations on the Structural Design of High Perf MVs 0171

Commercial Craft Applications 0170

0200 Jetfoil As an Offshore Patrol Vehicle – Crowley

Intrinsic Hydrofoil Characteristics – Ray 0199

Initial Stability and Trim Characteristics for HYSWAS 0197

Improved and Enlarged Variants of the PHM 3 Series 0196

Hydrofoil Development and Applications 0193


Super-High Speed, Hybrid Hydrofoil-SWATH Crew Boat_Vasileios Georgiadis_Kyle Miller_Leon Faison

Innovsail_Report-Univ of Southampton