Volunteers Welcome
To All IHS Members:
The IHS has embarked on a wide range of initiatives aimed at increasing awareness of hydrofoil and hydrofoil related technology developments around the world. The Board has had lengthy discussions and concluded that it is critical to involve the membership to accomplish these objectives. There is simply too much work to be done to rely totally on the Board members. I am writing to encourage and solicit your active involvement in the work of the Society.
Specifically, we need assistance in the following areas:
– Newsletter – preparing articles and editing
– Mandles Prize – Judging
– Website – assistance to the Webmaster including responding to posted messages.
– Treasurer – assistance to the Treasurer and Membership Committee.
– Program – assistance in identifying guest speakers for IHS/ SNAME Panel SD-5 Joint Dinner Meetings
– Tacoma Maritime Fest (24 – 25 Aug 2013) and other future meetings/conferences– Staffing the booth
– Navy Hydrofoil Reunion in Key West (20 – 23 Sept 2013) – register to attend.
– Permanent Hydrofoil Exhibit at Washington Navy Yard Museum – assistance/lead in developing the exhibit
– Phanfare Photo Site on IHS website – assistance in posting photos or editing/describing the content.
– Collection/compilation/indexing of hydrofoil (and other AMV) technical papers and data.
Many of these support activities can be done at home over the internet or phone and can be at any level of engagement that volunteers are willing and able to provide, either one-off or ongoing. I urge all of you to consider where you might help in furthering these efforts. Please contact me at: mbebar@csc.com, OR rAY AT IHSPresident2016@gmail.com if you’re interested.
Mark R. Bebar – VICE President, IHS