Feasibility Design Description of Dash Capable Hydrofoil HYD-7 71222

Experimental Study of the Effects of Sweep on Hydrofoil Loading and Cavitation 71224

Experimental Performance of a Flapped Hydrofoil In Calm Water at Low Froude Numbers 71243

Experimental Performance of a Flapped Hydrofoil In Calm Water at Low Froude Numbers

Development of Automatic Control Systems For Hydrofoil Craf 71234

Design of Hydrofoil Cross Sections As a Function of Cavitation Number, Lift, and Strength 71225

Design Criteria and Specifications for U.S. Navy Hydrofoil Ships, Volume IIA 71193

Design Criteria and Specifications for U.S. Navy Hydrofoil Ships, Volume II 71190

Design Criteria and Specifications for U.S. Navy Hydrofoil Ships, Vol II 71187

Design Criteria and Specifications for U.S. Navy Hydrofoil Ships, Vol II 71186

Design Criteria and Specifications for U.S. Navy Hydrofoil Ships Volume 71191

Derivation of and Introduction to Flap Lift Cavitation Equations and Cavitation Buckets 71218

Application of Costing and Operational Effectiveness Methods for the Selection of Hull Type71229

Advanced Technology Lift and Propulsion System Preliminary Design 71241