Vol.II – Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Components 71183


Survey of Hydrofoil Materials 71206

Ship System Specification For Building Patrol Combatant Missil 71253

Selection of a Hydrofoil Transmission and Propeller System For the General Electric LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engine 71238

Ride Quality Criteria and Assessment For Advanced Marine Vehicle 71209

Recent Studies of Struts and Foils For High Speed Hydrofoil 71210

Prediction of Flap-Controlled Hydrofoil Ship Steady State Performanc71212

Partially Cavitating Flows Around Foil 71207

Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers Conference On High Speed Marine Craf 71236

New Small Waterplane, Area Ship Concept 71208

Naval Engineers Journal Modern Ships and Craft 71242

Minimal Pressure Envelopes For Modified NACA-66 Sections 71226

M 151 Transmission For Mark II Hydrofoils 71237